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Reaction on Apples buyout of Shazam

Goal: To learn how to read critically, closely analyze a specific reading, and concisely write an objective critical analysis. Business model strategy ( is a focus of this paper, and there are many differing viewpoints about the “right” strategy. Thus, it is important to learn how to look closely at others’ viewpoints and write effectively about them. Please write a reaction on this article It would be nice to note in particular reason #4, about competition in the smart speaker market. Please do not summarize the reading in the Reaction Paper. 1) Focus on one’s reaction to the reading, examining the reading closely and in considerable depth beyond a surface-level interpretation. 2) Assess the extent to which the reading’s author has successfully presented their viewpoint. 3) A “reaction paper” is likely to include your own opinions, clearly stated and supported. And it’s fine — but not required — to disagree with the reading. 4) One’s reaction to a reading can take many forms: it can be a specific point that you disagree with, and you explain in detail why you disagree. Or it could be that you point out something key that’s missing from the argument. Or you could investigate an aspect of the reading and compare it to another source. 5) Although this is not a research paper, be sure to identify all sources of information in footnotes and a bibliography. Please make sure the following points are met: 1) Content and argument should be specific, supported, and persuasive 2) Structure should be clear and logical 3) Accuracy of spelling, grammar, punctuation and accuracy of references