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research and reflection paper on the topic of the Holy Spirit. Use the writing style based on the requirements of your chosen major [APA or Turabian (SOR Manual of Style)] for this paper.

A seven (7) to ten (10) page research and reflection paper on the topic of the Holy Spirit. Use the writing style based on the requirements of your chosen major [APA or Turabian (SOR Manual of Style)] for this paper.
You are to study closely both McGraths Chapter 6 on the Spirit and Macchias essay from the Transforming Power textbook (Part III). In order to receive the strongest grade for this assignment, follow the guidelines below:
First, remember that a research and reflection paper consists of two equally weighted parts, an objective (research) and a subjective (reflection) element. The objective portion recounts what the author is trying to relate, as a matter of fact. In this part include key points made and terms employed. The subjective element comprises your ideas about what the author is arguing, as a matter of personal perspective and opinion.
So, for this assignment you should first summarize the presentations of each author (objective portion). Then, you should personally interact with each textbook, discussing several specific points that the authors made that personally impacted/challenged/stirred him/her. Then, choose which essay was more effective in covering this powerful subject of salvation. Which of the two essays was more impactful, explaining why (subjective portion)?
NOTE: You will be evaluated on the clarity of the summarization (objective portion) and the diligence and measure of personal effort and engagement with the subject and readings (subjective portion).
Submit paper by Monday 11:55 PM ET.