Research the case of Oscar Grant who was killed by former BART police officer Johannes Mehsele. After conducting thorough and objective research of the incident and subsequent trial, write a (2-3 page, double spaced paper minimum 450 -500 words) analyzing the incident.Be sure to discuss the following: Grant’s behavior leading to the incident; Officer Mehserle’s use of force leading to Grant’s death; what went wrong?; was the verdict just?; and did the punishment fit the crime? Submit paper as described.There is a lot of research material (news stories, you tube video, etc…) regarding this case. Additionally, there is a movie titled, “Fruitvale Station” that covered the incident. After you conduct your research of the incident, “analyze and document in your own words” your observations of the case. Submit homework in ms-word document or pdf.*** The video link displays poor quality at times due to cell phone footage. Additionally, the video is very sensitive in nature and deals with the loss of a young man’s life. It also shows you how these incidents impact police/community relations.