You’ll search online and select a single-page advertisement (it cannot be a commercial, video, magazine cover, or poster) and analyze it in MLA style. The first page of your essay will be just the copy/pasted ad itself. You will then write an intro paragraph, four body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph, for a total of six paragraphs. As with the description mini-essay, this is intended to be a light, somewhat fun essay. However, your writing (grammar and punctuation especially) will be critiqued more closely than before. Upload your essay as a .doc / .docx or .pdf file (do not copy and paste content) through the Canvas Assignment page by the due date. Your similarity score must not exceed 20%. If it does, then you must revise and resubmit your essay by the deadline. It takes time for your similarity score to be calculated, and the % for resubmissions takes up to twenty-four hours to calculate. Instructions: First, search Google or another engine for a print advertisement that intrigues you. Paste that compelling advertisement onto a Word document. Pick an image you can work with. It will be your first page. You may not use a video–it must be a single-page print ad. Use MLA format. (We’ll discuss MLA vs. APA format in greater depth later.) Font is Times New Roman size 12. Entire essay should be double-spaced but have no extra spaces aside from that. Standard 1″ margins on all sides. Proofread it. Then read it aloud for Barry White-ness. Then revise it based on grammar, organization, and argumentation. Then proofread it again. Repeat this process at least three times.