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Simple regression with significance test

In this assignment you should present and submit an analysis of a simple regression analysis including relationship measures and significance tests. You select two variables from the database described below. Using the program SPSS analysis, you have a possible relationship between two suitable variables. Be sure to carefully describe which ones variables that have been used, how the variables are constructed, why the variables are worth that examine together, what the results show and you found some connections and which ones is. Note that there is no need to associate the variables you have chosen, it is enough to discuss whether there is a connection and if it is significant. Also, keep in mind that it requires coding of the variables. These or at least one of the following references would help: ? Halperin & Heath, chap. 16 and 17. ? Djurfeldt, G., Larsson, R., & Stjrnhagen, O. (2018). Statistical toolbox social science causal analysis with quantitative methods. Grove: Studentlitteratur Additional help ? Pallant, July (2013). SPSS Survival Manual. A step-by-step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS, Mc Graw Hill: New York. ? Wahlgren (2013), chapters 4, 8, and chapter 3 for a guide on how to code variables in SPSS. European Social Survey (2018). This database (SPSS file and codebook) is available via email from me. Submit your analysis in the form of a memorandum where you report your / your results. range should not exceed 6 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing).