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Social Change, Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements Midterm

book- Marxism: Essential Writings: David McLellan pg 189-244

Each answer has to be a page long for each question.

Your responses must demonstrate a deep understanding of the readings and the issues presented in them. The best way to accomplish this is to provide fully developed and detailed explanations, which have relevant examples from the readings that reinforce your answers.

Each response must have at least two brief quotes, with a proper citation from the class readings.
Reminder, it is not enough to paraphrase or copy and paste response. You need to explain how your response specifically answers the question.

Responses that demonstrations a clear understanding of the ideas in the readings and the issues presented in them will be fully rewarded.

Superficial responses that fail to address the question and the issues and their relevance in a substantial manner will not receive full credit.

Type double or single-space, with one-inch margins, and page numbers. You will also need a cover page with your name and class information.

Use a basic citation such as (Lenin, 1959:12) when quoting and paraphrasing. No reference page required. Do not use outside sources. Just use the readings, documentaries, and power points from the class.