an analysis of Life After Football. The culminating step of the final is to provide an in-depth analysis of a given context from a selected perspective. Submit your essay by Friday.
For the final paper, take into consideration the entire text of Life after Football as you take on one of the following roles:
The parent of a player
The faculty adviser to the athletic program at a university
A high school coach
A college coach
A professional coach
A marriage and family counselor who works with elite athletes
Speaking from the role youve selected, address the following in 6 pages:
A player has come to you for advice. Describe the problem(s) the player is presenting and why the player has come to you for advice. Describe the sport the athlete plays and the level. Describe anything about the development process in which the player engaged during his/her athletic career that might inform an understanding of the player and the issue(s) with which s/he is dealing, along with any other information that might be useful for understanding the athletes career (such as position, playing history, teammates, previous coaches, etc.). Include any other relevant information about the player and his/her relationship with you.
Describe the advice youd give to the player, along with your rationale for it. Also share any other unsolicited guidance you might share. Describe the affect your advice might have on the quality of the players life. Describe the affect your advice might have on the quality of the players athletic career. Is it possible to provide advice that is beneficial to both the players quality of life and athletic career? Describe why or why not?