Assignment # 5: Teacher Supervision/Staff Development Plan 150 points
The purpose of this assignment will be to create a plan to provide teacher supervision through
formal and informal observations, which will lead to teacher professional development and
school improvement.
Assignment Expectations:
Write a 5 to 6-page document (not counting the title page or References) to explain
your plan. Include the following sections in your plan:
An application of the district supervision plan to your individual building.
Teacher collaboration with the development and implementation of the plan.
A plan to prioritize your time and to systematically schedule and provide formal
and informal observations for all teachers.
A process to summarize learnings from the observations from which to develop a
building level and individual teacher professional development plans.
A strategy to assess how the professional development improved teacher instruction and
increased student learning.
Discuss implications to Instructional coaches/Teacher leaders, in their role of coaching
Include references using APA format.
Third Person writing Required