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The Historical and Social Construction of Race

In your first writing assignment you will take an historical approach and discuss and analyze how racial groups were defined, divided and therefore “made” by society. Begin by considering the following quote from the classic ethnic studies text, Racial Formation by Omi and Winant: “First, we argue that racial formation is a process of historically situated projects in which human bodies and social structures are represented and organized” (pg. 56-57) The two projects we’ll look at are laws and labor. Drawing from the assigned chapters in the Zinn textbook explicitly introduce 2 laws/codes/policies that divided groups from each other, and analyze how these laws made blacks, whites and Native Americans “different” from each other. Next introduce 2 work related experiences that separated these groups from each other, also analyzing how differences were created through labor before the American Revolution. Your paper should be around 500 words (more is ok) and use explicit evidence from our textbook(s). This will be roughly 2 pages on a word document. I recommend you type on a separate document first, save it just in case, then copy and paste into our “submission box,” and lastly click “submit.” In general, firefox has been the most moodle friendly, so if you’re using a different web-browser make sure you save your work somewhere! Remember, a perfect 10 on this paper will be engagement of examples (laws and labor experiences), use of text evidence (Zinn, for example: “Persons of Mean and Vile Condition” or the other two assigned chapters) and concept analysis (engagement with Omi and Winant’s racial formation theory). Textbook: A Peoples History of the United States by Howard Zinn