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Virtual communication

This assignment is due on Sunday, Sept 22 at 11:59 pm. You must submit this Virtual Communication Project to Chalk and Wire. The Chalk & Wire link is located in this Key Assignment Module. Students who do not submit the assignment to Chalk & Wire will receive a zero. This is a key assignment assessment; the results are used to ensure students are meeting University Exploration program goals. Instructions for submitting and reviewing your assignment can be found below.
You are to gather and analyze conversations comparing virtual to face-to-face interactions.

Begin by creating a brief 5 question opinion survey/interview on a topic of interest. This should include open-ended questions so that the people surveyed can elaborate on their answers.
Please be mindful of using open questions in your survey. These are questions that require an explanation / more than a few words. Here are some examples: What are some of the things you like about this class? What are the challenges of going to school while working full time? How is an online class different from a face-to-face class? What types of activities do you enjoy in your class? Describe the consequences of getting behind. Avoid closed questions. These are questions that can be answered with a couple words and offer no explanation. Here are examples: How many classes are you taking this semester? What classes are you taking this semester? When do you have class? Do you think you are going to pass? Did you turn in all your assignments? Are the tests hard? When is the semester over?

Complete the survey/interview with 3 people face-to-face then complete the same survey/interview with 3 people using virtual communication such as email, text messaging, chat room, discussion board, or any other virtual means that you wish to use.

To prepare your essay, think critically about your results.
Determine what your thesis is and state it clearly and concisely. It should briefly introduce your topic but more importantly should indicate how virtual interaction compares and contrasts with face-to-face interaction. This will be the first sentence of your essay.

In the body of your essay, you should include your survey-interview questions but it is not necessary to include your participants answers. Focus on the answers to these questions and compare and contrast the 2 sets of information. Were your results what you expected? How were they similar; how were they different? Was it easier to interact virtually or face-to-face? What were the challenges? What were the advantages of meeting face-to-face verses meeting virtually? What were the disadvantages of each way? How did the differences in the following seem to influence the nature of the responses: physical distance, anonymity, richness of communication, visual cues, time? You will want to be very thorough in the body as this is a very large percentage of your grade on the essay.

Your conclusion should summarize how virtual interaction with people compares and contrasts with face-to-face interaction reaffirming your thesis without restating it. This is where you conclude with an overall summary describing your insight into what the findings mean to you and what you learned about yourself in reference to your psychological well-being and the method of communication that proves more effective.

Submit the Virtual Communication Project to the link above. The link will take you to an external assessment tool called Chalk and Wire. Instructions for submitting the document will be available after you click on the link above and are also located in the Start Here Folder.

Additional tips: Be certain to carefully review the information for specific directions and refer to the Grading Rubrics for information on how your writing assignments will be graded. For each written assignment, write 500 words / 2 pages. A 50 word leeway will be accepted; otherwise points may be deducted. Use basic APA style guidelines when citing your sources and listing your References. Please read instructions and files thoroghly!