MSW Program Process Recording Template I. Client Pseudonym: (Disguise your clients name) You may use initials, fictional character names etc. _________________________________ II. Basic Demographics: (age, gender, socio demographic status, etc): This section should include as much detail about client in the interaction. This section should be at least half of a page to one page. *It is acceptable to make up information in this section meet requirements* III. Purpose of Interview: Please write a detailed account of what the purpose of the interaction is (at least a paragraph) IV. Observations: Please include your observations about every detail-client, surroundings/environment, reactions, interactions, body language, tone of voice, inflection, facial expressions, posture, etc. *It is acceptable to make up information in this section to meet the requirements* V. Post-Interview or Post-Meeting Assessment: What are the next steps? What is the treatment plan? VI. Assessment of Social Workers Roles and Skills: What were the social workers roles and what specific social work skills were used? These are not the same thing. Roles are what the role of the social worker was for the interaction (for example; educator, facilitator, broker, mediator, etc.). There is a list of roles attached for you to use as a reference. Social work skills are the specific social work skills that you used during the interaction (for example; active listening, modeling, case management, persuading, goal setting, etc.). There is a list of skills attached for you to use as a reference. VII. Plan for Next Session: What is the plan for the next interaction? How long? Frequency, etc. This section should be very detailed and at least a full paragraph. Summary: The last page (One Full Page) should be a summary of your reflection of the interaction and your perspective on the interaction. You should identify what THEORY applies to this interaction with the client.