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why people do what they do, you will be required to examine and analyze an individual, and based on what you have learned in class attempt to explain why your person did what they did.

student will be required to turn in a research paper examining the life/behavior of a criminal of their choosing (subject to instructor approval). As the course examines deviant behavior and we attempt to learn why people do what they do, you will be required to examine and analyze an individual, and based on what you have learned in class attempt to explain why your person did what they did. In order to do this correctly, you need to take a detailed look at the individuals life from birth through the beginning of their criminal behaviors to include family members and relationships, schooling, peer groups, work history etc. Remember the focus should be on who your subject is rather than what they did. We are looking at the subject and his/her actions from a psychological/sociological perspective rather than a legal perspective.