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Write about the beliefs (myths and religious), values, traditions, underlying assumptions, attitudes, behaviors, crafts, trades, and practices using valid sources such as peer reviewed articles, journals, government documents, etc.

Research Paper: 8-10 page written (introduction, body, & conclusion, not including cover page or works cited) APA style title page and page numbering APA style citing within paper APA style works cited page with valid sources Layout of Paper: Cover Page: Running Head, Title of paper, Name (remember skip page number on title page continue on p.2). Introduction: History of culture such as where it derived from, ancient civilizations that led up to it etc. Body: Write about the beliefs (myths and religious), values, traditions, underlying assumptions, attitudes, behaviors, crafts, trades, and practices using valid sources such as peer reviewed articles, journals, government documents, etc. NO WIKIPEDIA & BE WARY OF ONLINE RESOURCES, CHECK WHO IS BEHIND THE INFORMATION Conclusion: Write about the present state of the culture, how it has changed if at all, how it has grown, merged, or split if at all. Close the paper with your view of the culture and where you see it headed. Works Cited: Minimum of 5-7 scholarly or valid sources, alphabetical order, and hanging indent Some topics that I would like included about China are: Main religions, Clothing, Food, Language, Education, Population (including child birth laws or policies), and Currency