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Describe in some detail issue of migrations due ONLY to environmental causes

In an essay describe in some detail issue of migrations due ONLY to environmental causes. These may be floods, earthquakes, devastation of nature by humans. Analyze long-term EFFECTS of these and what moral issues arise as a result. Can any such issues be prevented? If so, how? Write an informed response using your critical thinking skills. Find also THREE other sources as well on the great migrations that are occurring due to war or environmental issues. All these will serve as your sources. Reflect on your exigence/ warrants as you develop your paper; this should stir your values-based response. In your paper, you must: Clarify your main idea + explore your supporting ideas and resources accurately + provide reasonable and effective sources + show a fine conclusion on the moral issue. + display understanding and use of sentence and paragraph form + use varied and appropriate diction to explain your ideas