Overview and Objective: A needs assessment involves the evaluative process of gathering and interpreting data around the need for specific programs and services. A needs assessment helps to shape programs and can be used as part of the planning process of program evaluation. The information (data) gathered from a needs assessment may offer important information regarding outcomes and impact of a program on important stakeholders. Students will increase their understanding of research and program evaluation, action research and single subject research in counseling. Assignment: Read Chapter 9, Erford Assessment: Write a 2-4 page paper in which you address the following (use the items below as headings): 1. Purpose of the needs assessment 2. Population and stakeholders 3. Two (2) goals for needs assessment 4. Determine how data will be collected and the rationale for the chosen data collection 5. Describe how the results will be disseminated Use APA style. At minimum, include a title page, running head, headings, and a references page (please strive to integrate citations/scholarly support in your paper). You do not need an abstract. The title page and references page do not count in the page total. The font should be 12 point, Times New Roman with 1-inch margins, double-spaced. See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed.) or refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ for further details. Grading: