1. Examine the diagram of Checks and Balances in Chapter 3,Section 1 of the Magruder text. After you examine the diagram, answer this question: In what way can the power of the executive be checked by the other branches? 2. Look over the diagram in Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Magruder text titled Federalism: Who has the Power? a) Describe two powers controlled by the federal government exclusively. b) Describe two powers shared by the federal government and the states. 3. Review the case Marbury v. Madison, 1803, at the end of Chapter 3, Section 1. a) Identify what Marbury was asking the Supreme Court to do. b) Explain John Marshalls decision. 4. Chapter 3, Section 2 of the Magruder text describes the formal amendment process. a) Describe the two amendment methods that have been used. b) List the specific amendments that were ratified each way. 5. Did you know that 52 percent of Americans do not know what the Bill of Rights is? Look over the table in Chapter 3, Section 2 of the Magruder text regarding The First Ten Amendments. Can you describe and discuss one item in the Bill of Rights that you were unaware of? If not, then describe and discuss which item holds the most meaning for you. 6. Read Chapter 3, Section 3 in the Magruder text. Describe one of the five basic ways that constitutional change has taken place without formal amendment. Provide a specific example.