The Look of Freedom In this project, you will take a turn and express your opinion visually. You will create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation depicting freedom using your own artwork, photos, network and clipart images with supporting captions as needed. You may also wish to add sound. You may find a review of FDR’s Four Freedoms Speech helpful, as well as Norman Rockwell’sseries of paintings that captured the concepts of freedom in terms of everyday American life. Project Milestones: submit a time log of your research. 1. Log the websites you checked out. Your online search may include quotes, audio files, images, readings, or song lyrics. Include in your log the various definitions (including your own) of freedom and liberty. 2. Complete a resourse search w/annotated summary. 3. Find at least four (4) books or articles that have pertinent information relating to the theme you have chosen. For this element, you will submit a bibliography of these sources with a brief description of each. 4. Submit an annotated outline. 5. Create an outline that covers the scope of your project, explaining which events will be covered and giving basic information regarding how you plan to structure your presentation. Remember, every component of your project should be listed on your outline, including key information and descriptions of images. Also, provide a few summarizing statements to communicate the theme of your presentation. Include citations that clearly show where each source will be used in your final presentation. Grading Rubric Category Points possible for each element Organized _/10 Clear message _/10 Inspiring _/10 Variety of elements to engage viewer _/10 Images on all slides _/10 Effective use of PowerPoint _/10 Evidence of comprehensive research _/20 15-20 detailed slides _/20 Total Points: ___ of 100