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Message of Inquiry Letter

You will draft the Message of Inquiry Letter using the format below. These letters should be addressed to the company that you’ve applied for in the Cover Letter assignment. Sample Format: [Senders Name] [Senders Company Name] [Senders Street Address] [Senders City, State/Province, & Zip/Postal Code] [Senders phone number and or email address] [Date] [Recipients Name] [Recipients Company Name] [Recipients Street Address] [Recipients City, State/Province, & Zip/Postal Code] [Recipients phone number and or email address] [Subject] [Dear Name], [Introduction this is where you explain the purpose of the letter, why you are writing it, what you hope to achieve from, and any other important information you want to get out up front.] [Middle Section this is where you elaborate and provide more detail about what you outlined in the first paragraph. There may be several more paragraphs like this depending on how long the letter needs to be] [Conclusion this is the place where you wrap up and summarize things. There may be a call to action or next steps included in this paragraph.] [Sincerely], [Signature] [Name of Sender]