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Providing adequate and diverse counselors in schools.

For this assignment, you will be required to write a 2-page paper explaining the how and why related to your issue. You must properly integrate a minimum of three sources. One must be from the CPCC library database. These are to be listed correctly on your works cited page (not to be included in the page count). Your paper must have a clear, concise thesis supported by two main points. You must use the writing strategies mentioned above.

You will need to ensure the following areas are addressed in your paper:
Your issue must be clearly stated.
Provide background information/historical context on the issue.
Identify two cause and effect topics related to your issue.

For example, A. Clever Student has decided to continue exploring the issue of poor literacy rates among students in NC schools. For this assignment she will identify factors that have contributed to those low rates. Her two main points might be parental engagement and access to resources. A. Clever Students voice in her paper should be so authoritative that anyone unfamiliar with these factors should have a clear understanding of them after reading her paper. For cause and effect, she might highlight how these two points impact the achievement/opportunity gap.

-2 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, 12pt., pages numbered
-At least three sources (one CPCC library database source)
-Works cited page (not to be included in the page count)