Social ProofWe often use the behavior of others as a guide when we are unsure of what to do. We view a behavior as correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.Your task this week is to conduct a web search to find examples in which social proof produced surprising outcomes (such as dangerous, maladaptive, or illogical responses by otherwise “normal” people).Using a search engine (e.g., (Links to an external site.)), type in keywords such as:social proofdeindividuationconformitynormative social influenceriotspluralistic ignorancebystander effectsocial contagionWerther EffectcultsCheck out this video on Social Proof (4/5 dentists approve this): (Links to an external site.)What examples of social proof were most surprising? Which examples were most unbelievable? What do these examples tell you about human nature? How do the examples illustrate the power of social influence?Write a paragraph response (approximately 250 words) that shares and explains ONE of the examples and addresses the relevant questions. In addition, highlight your personal experiences in being influenced through social proof. Include your thoughts and reactions.