Updated Sept 2019 CK Page 1 of 5 1258 Professional Growth and Development Scholarly Paper Rubric Purpose: This assignment facilitates the students understanding of cultural theories as they relate to their own understanding of how the concepts of the nursing metaparadigms apply to culturally competent care. Students continue to rehearse their scholarly writing with further development of critical thinking through application of theory to a selected cultural experience. The purpose of this assignment is for students to explore a new personal cultural experience and examine how it will influence their nursing practice. In addition, this paper will allow students the opportunity to examine their own assumptions about society and nursing while at the same time attempting to contribute and gain new perspectives regarding the topic. This academic paper will be 6 pages in length (not including title page and references page). Students must meet the 6 page limit. Engaging in an activity such as this promotes critical thinking and reflective practice, helps students to construct a beginning understanding of theoretical concepts, and promotes confidence in learning about nursing and other theories. Activity: In order to prepare for this academic paper assignment, you are encouraged to explore a cultural experience. For example, visit to a Buddhist temple, a Mosque, a Synagogue, an art gallery, or a museum, etc. (if appropriate, respectfully speak with the people there). Alternatively, you may wish to try a specific cultural cuisine that you have never tried before (e.g. sushi, dim sum, Indian food, etc.). If you have any food allergies, DO NOT consume any unknown food items. ** The cultural experience is meant to INSPIRE you to think about culture and diversity as they relate to nursing practice and implications. That is, if you decide to experience a cultural cuisine, the paper is NOT about the foods, but how the foods inspire you to think about nursing implications. For example, how hot and cold food may be relevant for certain Asian cultures; thus, nursing care. You must pay close attention and reflect on how the experience informs your opinion and/or bias about nursing and their relationship to societal variables such as: ? Age ? Ethnic background ? Gender ? Socioeconomic class ? Religion ? Political activism ? Lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgendered-queer-plus (LGBTQ+) Updated Sept 2019 CK Page 2 of 5 You must include all of the following in the paper. 1. Introduction of the paper and description of your cultural experience. Hint: it needs NOT to be lengthy (suggested length 1 / 2 page). For example: In this paper, I will briefly describe my experience visiting the Art Gallery of Ontario. I will use Leiningers Sun Rise Model (2004) to discuss how this experience inspired me to consider nursing implications. In addition, I will include my previous assumptions and biases about culture and arts, and the information I learned from my research. Furthermore, I will provide two strategies in which I will use to continue to keep an open mind in order to improve my cultural competence in practice. ** The above brief paragraph succinctly tells the reader what your paper is about. 2. What were your assumptions about the group /religion / topic of your selected experience? (suggested length, 1/2 page) 3. What did you learn from your resources? For example, what are the general public / societal view? (suggested length, 1 page) 4. Were your assumptions correct or biased? Have your views/opinions changed after your research (suggested length, 1/2 page) 5. What are the Nursing implications? HINT: This is the main focus of the paper! Use cultural theories to support this section. (suggested length, 2 page) 6. Discuss two strategies in which you will use to ensure that you continue to be open minded and respectful in learning about the Others (suggested length, 1 page) 7. Conclusion. Succinctly sum up the content of your paper (1/ 2 page) The following rubric will be used to grade your paper. Please follow exactly Rubric. For your information I,m originally from Turkey,have been in Canada 12 years,I had been in Arizona almost a year,2001 and 2004,little bit of Newyork Long Island,If you want to talk about you can mention about my admiration of Christianity ,respecting LGBTQ,compare from Turkey, not interseted in food neither in Arizona or Canada,cultural differences,please make a connection with Leningers cultural Differences, as nursing aspects.