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Data mining

This assignment pertains to Data Mining. Required Items: Find two sources of Data Mining on the Web.These should be two different web sites.Write a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) about each example of Data Mining. The summaries should be more about the data collected not the software used to collect the data.In other words, what is the purpose of the data.Indicate the source (web link) where each example was found.Write a summary (1-2) paragraphs on what these two examples have in common.This should be a combined summary of what the two data bases have in commonDo not just write about each one individualy. Submission Guidelines: There is no template for this assignment.The grading criteria/rubric is available by clicking on the assignment.Your submission will be submitted to SafeAssign to prevent plagiarism. Example #1 Summary Points: 0 (0.00%) Failed to provide a 1-2 paragraph summary of example #1 of data mining. Points: 5 (25.00%) Provided a 1-2 paragraph summary of example #1 of data mining. Example #1 Source Points: 0 (0.00%) Failed to provide the source of example #1 Data Mining. Points: 2 (10.00%) Provided the source of example #1 Data Mining. Example #2 Summary Points: 0 (0.00%) Failed to provide a 1-2 paragraph summary of example #2 of data mining. Points: 5 (25.00%) Provided a 1-2 paragraph summary of example #2 of data mining. Example #2 Source Points: 0 (0.00%) Failed to provide the source of example #1 Data Mining. Points: 2 (10.00%) Provided the source of example #2 Data Mining. Combined Summary Points: 0 (0.00%) Failed to provide a 1-2 paragraph on what these two examples have in common. Points: 6 (30.00%) Provided a 1-2 paragraph on what these two examples have in common. Name Points: -1 (-5.00%) Failed to place the student name at the top of the paper. Points: 0 (0.00%) Placed the student name at the top of the paper. Word Document Points: -5 (-25.00%) Failed to submit a Word Document and posted directly to Blackboard. Points: 0 (0.00%) Submitted a Word Document. Name:07-1 Data Mining